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In the Cake Case, LGBT People of Color Have the Most to Lose

Candace Bond-Theriault asks, "Is a business refusing me service because I am queer, or is it because I am a woman, or is it because of the color of my skin?"

Trump's Religious Order Is a Joke, But His Health Care Bill Is a Threat

The president was grandstanding with right-wingers when he signed his toothless "religious freedom" order, but he could kill millions with Trumpcare.

Trump's Pick to Lead Nation's Health Services Is Terrifying

We can stop Tom Price from leading the Department of Health and Human Services, writes Candace Bond-Theriault of the National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund.

Coming Out as a Proud Black Bi Woman Married to a Man

National LGBTQ Task Force policy counsel Candace Bond-Theriault could easily stay in the closet but chose to break down the door. 

An LGBT Org. Puts Its Weight Behind Ending Antiwoman Law

The Hyde Amendment has punished low-income women for four decades.