The 20 Most LGBT-Friendly Colleges
| 08/14/17
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The Princeton Review is on a mission to let us know which colleges and universities offer the best environments for LGBT students. The college prep go-to asked 137,000 students: How much do you agree/disagree with the following? "Students treat all persons equally, regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity/expression."
Based on feedback from across the country, here are The Princeton Review's Top 20 Most LGBTQ Friendly Colleges, along with quotes from their students telling us why their colleges rule.
From a Simmons student:
“There are many different organizations, like the Black Student Organization, Hillel, and the Gay-Straight Alliance that allow these students to come together and host events with other organizations that unite the community. Simmons makes an effort to be very inclusive and accepting of students from many backgrounds.” More here.
From Rob Franek — editor in chief, The Princeton Review:
“Carleton is a small school with a vibrant queer community. One Carleton program to keep in mind is called Queer Peers. Founded to facilitate mentor/mentee relationships between LGBTQA+* students. Great BIG applause to any campus group allowing current students training to help other students through queer/questioning issues.” More here.
From an Eckerd student:
“People here are very friendly and accepting of all sorts of different lifestyles and habits, especially supporting the lives and freedoms of our LGBTQ community.” More here.
From Rob Franek — editor in chief, The Princeton Review:
“Oberlin has a diverse population and a very active Multicultural Resource Center, which embraces diversity in all its forms. They sponsor over 300 events each year for students, especially students of color, LGBTQ students, international, first generation and lower income students. Their mission is to create a truly inclusive community.” More here.
From Rob Franek — editor in chief, The Princeton Review:
“The Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity not only provides support for Bowdoin’s LGBTQ community, it actively welcomes questioning and straight populations every step of the way. Queer resources at Bowdoin work actively with the college’s administration including the offices of the academic deans, admissions, residential life, career planning, the president and board of trustees. Bowdoin is a leader in providing an inclusive and welcoming campus environment for all.” More here.
From a Bennington student:
“The academics are incredible, the professors are talented and genuinely interested in helping students, the college provides every resource you could possibly imagine from academic support to counseling to generous financial aid to an LGBT center, there are a multitude of ways to get involved in the college and the community, the food is amazing, the social life is inclusive.” More here.
From Rob Franek — editor in chief, The Princeton Review:
“The College of William and Mary celebrates its diversity and LGBTQ community on campus through its Lambda & Equity Alliances and Center for Diversity, through which queer resources, programing, policy protocol are offered in full. But queer resources don’t stop [there], there’s an active LGBTQ faculty/student group and a vibrant W&J queer alumni network.” More here.
From a Harvey Mudd student:
“The majority of the student body is very diverse, coming from various parts of the U.S. and the world. As a gay student, I find that it has been very easy to assimilate into the rest of the student body with virtually no discrimination of any sort.” More here.
From a Reed student:
“I wanted a school where I could stretch myself academically, meet weird and wonderful people, and be openly gay. Reed is all that and more.” More here.
From a Brown student:
“Social justice is a big part of daily life. There’s great acceptance of our student body, especially for our LGBTQ+ community.” More here.
From a Grinnell student:
“The school is very queer-friendly. Though I am not gay, I have many close gay friends and I have had classes with many openly gay professors. Even the football team, which is supposed to be heteronormative, has gay and bisexual players. Nobody cares. Gay, straight, transgender, or confused, it doesn't matter.” More here.
From Rob Franek — editor in chief, The Princeton Review:
“Olin’s LGBTQ student-run club, Open, is one to watch. Founded by both Olin and Babson Colleges with an unwavering mission: promote awareness of, openness toward, and understanding of all sexual and gender identities and lifestyles, and to foster a safe and supportive environment for all members. Open offers everything from queer-centric topic discussions, LGBTQ movie nights to drag queen & king shows.” More here.
From a Vassar student:
“Vassar is dedicated to providing a stimulating intellectual environment that allows students to pursue their unique interests as well as encouraging dialogue about issues such as discrimination against women, minorities, campus LGBTQ community, sexual assault, global poverty, and environmental change.” More here.
From an Agnes Scott student:
“It is a small, liberal, and queer-friendly community with great professors and challenging academics.” More here.
From a Sarah Lawrence student:
“Sarah Lawrence has a highly eclectic student body, which continually challenges me and makes me think in new ways. It has a very queer vibe and is known for being extremely LGBTQ+ accepting, but the actual student body is much more cis/het than one might presume.” More here.
From a Mount Holyoke College student:
“The greatest strengths of Mount Holyoke College are the supportive community (especially for LGBTQ/Queer identities), and excellent academics.” More here.
From a Warren Wilson student:
“Every Warren Wilson student is atypical. We've got skaters, jocks, goths, hippies (oh, the hippies), farm kids, every flavor of LGBTQ and their straight friends, kayak beasts, vagrants, intellectuals, libertarians, and some crazy folk. The tendency here is to accept, not question. This is the socially safest campus I have encountered; you are absolutely free to be whoever you would like to be, and you will be loved for it.” More here.
From an Emerson student:
“There is a large queer community at Emerson; all are 100 percent accepted. The school is very liberal, yet we treat everyone with respect, focusing on the work you produce, not what's on the outside.” More here.
From Rob Franek — editor in chief, The Princeton Review:
“College of the Atlantic students are contagious with energy. Campus student groups past and present focus on LGBTQ community issues, ever expanding to include other social justice topics. Queer resources on campus include a lecture series where students discuss topics like body image, queer representation in film, diversity issues across the spectrum.” More here.
From a Bryn Mawr student:
“You should come here prepared for an active and thriving LGBTQIA+ culture. It's a very special part of Bryn Mawr that I wouldn't trade for anything.” More here.