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AB 1266

Transphobic Coalition Still Fighting Calif. Trans Student Law

Despite repeated set backs along the way, Privacy for All Students continues their attack on a California law.

UPDATE: Trans Student Recants Story of Sexual Assault at Calif. High School

A transgender student originally told police he was assaulted in a bathroom at his California high school.


Opponents Continue Fighting Calif. Trans Student Bill

After falling more than 17,000 signatures short of qualifying a repeal measure for a referendum, the anti-LGBT Pacific Justice Institute vows to continue challenging California's Student Success and Opportunity Act.

BREAKING: Calif. Trans Student Law Survives Repeal Effort

A coalition of transphobic organizations came up more than 17,000 valid signatures short in an effort to put the Student Success and Opportunity Act up for a repeal in November.

Trans Student Aims to Play High School Softball

Pat Cordova-Goff never thought she'd have the chance to play sports after coming out as transgender. A recently implemented California law has given her hope.

Calif. Trans Student Suspended Following Act of Protest

A teenage girl was suspended from her California high school for failure to adhere to the dress code for female students in her district, something she did to shine light on mixed messages she's received from officials.

Efforts to Repeal CA Trans Student Law Remain Alive

Efforts to repeal a law designed to protect transgender students remain alive as signature verification cleared one of two hurdles.

Sacramento School District to Vote on Trans-Inclusive Policy

The school district in California's capital city is set to consider expanding its nondiscrimination policy to include transgender students in a vote Thursday.

Coalition Still Short in Bid to Repeal Calif. Trans Student Law

By the latest count, opponents of California's Student Success and Opportunity Act don't appear to have obtained enough valid signatures to qualify a measure to repeal the law for the November 2014 ballot.

Right-Wing Activists 'Unlikely' to Qualify Calif. Trans Student Law for Repeal

Initial projections indicate that right-wing activists did not secure enough signatories to place California's School Success and Opportunity Act on the chopping block in next year's election.

Transphobic Coalition Reveals Intolerance of 'Damaging Lifestyles'

Privacy for All Students, the right-wing coalition trying to repeal California's transgender student law, revealed its sinister motives in an online conversation with LGBT activist and blogger Jeremy Hooper.

Transphobic Activists Claim They've Got Signatures to Repeal Calif. Student Law

Conservative activists within the Privacy for All Students campaign claim they gathered more than half a million valid signatures from Californians who want the chance to repeal the state's new law regarding transgender students.

Uncover the Latest False Claim of Trans Bathroom Harassment

Supporters of a campaign to repeal California's new law supporting transgender students are once again publishing false claims that allege trans teenagers are harassing their female classmates in restrooms.

NOM's New Attack on Trans Students: Nudity Trumps Sincerity

The antigay National Organization for Marriage focuses on the genitalia of transgender students in California in its latest fundraising pitch.

BREAKING: Calif. Gov. Signs Trans Student Protection Bill

Gov. Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 1266 Monday, giving transgender students the right to participate in sex-segregated programs according to their gender identity.