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The Vatican Evolved on the Dealth Penalty. Are LGBTQ Rights Next?

Pope Francis's Catholic Church dips its toes into the 21st-century.

Op-ed: Why Won't Catholic Bishops Listen to LGBT Laity?

Catholic leaders should talk about sexuality with those who aren't members of the clergy.

Op-ed: A Small Step for the Vatican, a Giant Leap for Gays

Here's why one Catholic LGBT group says the recent Vatican document is a small but monumental step forward for the slowly evolving church.

Op-ed: The Catholic Case Against Religious Exemptions

The executive director of the Catholic LGBT organization New Ways Ministry weighs in on the debate over including religious exemptions in the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.

Op-Ed: Pope's Legacy Will Be That He's Willing to Listen

The leader of a pro-LGBT Catholic group reflects on the pope's first year.

Op-eds: The Bishops Aren't Happy, But the People in the Pews Are

Year after year, more Catholics distance themselves from the church leaders who are so vocally hostile toward LGBT rights.