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anti trans legislation

Flight or fight? Niles Woods and the refugee crisis among trans Americans

As the trans community faces discrimination and violence in the U.S., the question remains: should we stay and fight or flee before it's too late?

Raquel Willis Shares Her Southern Trans Journey in Memoir ‘The Risk It Takes to Bloom’

Discussing her memoir with The Advocate, Willis opens up about her life as a Black trans woman from the South looking to change the world.

Tennesseans Can No Longer Update Gender Markers on Official Documents

As of July 1, only one’s sex assigned at birth as reflected on a birth certificate can be noted on identification documents in Tennessee.

Secretive Gay Furries Group Is Hacking Anti-Transgender State Governments

Hell hath no fury like a furry scorned.

Michael Bublé Gives Shout to LGBTQ+ Community: 'God Bless You'

"Identify how you want to identify,” the Canadian star shared.

Minnesota Hopes to Become Refuge for Trans Minors Seeking Health Care

The state is advancing Rep. Leigh Finke's bill to protect young trans people and their parents from out-of-state actions that would prevent or punish gender-affirming care.