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black trans women

Black transgender woman Starr Brown shot to death in Memphis. Her coworker has confessed to the killing

Brown was gunned down and left to die in her car by a coworker, according to police.

Black trans femme artists leading the charge for inclusion and hope

In the face of escalating anti-trans legislation and social hostility, the transformative work of Black trans femme artists offers a beacon of hope and a bold vision for a more inclusive and compassionate future.

Raquel Willis Shares Her Southern Trans Journey in Memoir ‘The Risk It Takes to Bloom’

Discussing her memoir with The Advocate, Willis opens up about her life as a Black trans woman from the South looking to change the world.

Trans People Continue to Be Murdered at Extreme Rates as Republicans Push Transphobic Laws

The Human Rights Campaign released its annual report on Transgender Day of Remembrance, highlighting the disproporionate violence transgender and gender nonconforming people face.

Kokomo City Clip Discusses the Men Who Sleep with Trans Women

Catch this exclusive from the critically acclaimed documentary by D. Smith.

Transgender Women Killed in Georgia, North Carolina

Destiny Howard and KC Johnson are the latest casualties of the epidemic of violence against trans Americans.