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gender marker

Lawsuit challenges Trump's 'two genders' passport policy

The State Department, acting on a presidential executive order, has ended the use of a third-gender marker on passports and won't allow gender changes on them.

Ohio Supreme Court punts on transgender people changing their birth certificates

Experts hold little hope for trans individuals attempting to change their gender markers in the red state.

Over 210,000 transgender citizens could have trouble voting in the 2024 election

Transgender Americans "may face barriers to voting in person" due to a "mismatch with their information as listed on voter registration rolls," according to a new report.

Texas quietly blocks trans people from changing their gender on driver's licenses

The rule applies even if a person has updated their birth certificates, or even potentially if they have a court order.

Almost 5,000 New Yorkers have 'X' gender markers on their IDs

The Gender Recognition Act of 2022 made a third gender option available on state-issued identification in New York.

Arkansas sued over new restrictions on driver's license gender markers

Transgender, nonbinary, and intersex residents are suing over a new policy that makes it nearly impossible to change their gender marker and bans the use of a gender-neutral one.

Montana issues rule banning gender marker changes on birth certificates

The new rule mirrors an old rule which was defeated in court.