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los angeles county

Eight California sheriff's deputies sacked for covering up a fellow officer's attack on trans man

Emmet Brock was followed, beaten, and arrested Deputy Sheriff Joseph Benza III.

Extensive cover-up effort revealed in L.A. County deputy's beating of trans man

After Deputy Joseph Benza III assaulted Emmett Brock during a traffic stop, Benza and colleagues discussed deleting text messages related to the matter. Benza has pleaded guilty to one charge in the case.

Hate crimes skyrocket in Los Angeles, especially targeting LGBTQ+ people

Gay men and transgender folks were targeted most as hate crimes against the LGBTQ+ community rose 45 percent in the past year.

Downey, Calif., bans Pride flag on city property; L.A. County, state officials clap back

Los Angeles County will continue to display the flag on its properties, including those in Downey, where County Supervisor Janice Hahn will host a flag-raising ceremony Monday. The city ban apparently came at the behest of an anti-LGBTQ+ hate group.

Trans Man to Sue L.A. County for Traffic Stop Beating Caught on Video

Brock Emmett was initially charged with three felonies in the shocking encounter.