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obergefell v hodges

Kim Davis is trying to get marriage equality overturned by the Supreme Court

Yes, Kim Davis is back. Again. A brief filed this week by her lawyers at Liberty Counsel argues that the Supreme Court's Obergefell v. Hodges ruling should be overturned.

Jill and Ashley Biden welcome hundreds to rainbow-themed White House Pride Month party

First Lady Dr. Jill Biden hosted a colorful celebration of joy for the LGBTQ+ community on the South Lawn.

14 Supreme Court decisions that changed the landscape for LGBTQ+ rights

Several of them came on today's date, June 26.

Jim Obergefell reflects on 9th anniversary of Supreme Court marriage equality ruling

The legendary civil rights activist will attend a White House Pride celebration on the day of the anniversary.

Most married same-sex couples worried about challenges to marriage equality: study

In the aftermath of recent Supreme Court decisions, same-sex couples are worried about their marriage rights.

Justice Sotomayor: Supreme Court ruling in immigration case threatens marriage equality

In holding that citizens don't have a fundamental interest in bringing noncitizen spouses to the U.S., the court is on the path to undermining marriage rights in general, the justice said in an impassioned dissent.

The country did a complete 180 on a once-divisive issue starting 20 years ago

The vast majority of Americans opposed same-sex marriage on May 17, 2004, when the first same-sex couples took their vows after a court decision in Massachusetts. Well, times have changed.

Here are all the ways marriage equality has been 'unambiguously positive' for America

The study from the RAND Corp. comes 20 years after the first legal marriages for same-sex couples took place in Massachusetts.

Barack Obama made history by publicly supporting same-sex marriages 12 years ago today

In the years since, the LGBTQ+ community has seen tremendous strides in the push toward equality, but much work remains to protect the rights of marginalized people.

Justice Samuel Alito wishes homophobia was acceptable

The conservative Supreme Court justice thought jurors who were dismissed for their antigay religious beliefs were treated unfairly.

Tennessee Republicans pass bill allowing marriage discrimination toward same-sex couples

Despite marriage equality being the law of the land with significant support, the GOP continues to try to legislate LGBTQ+ people out of society.

On Roe v. Wade's anniversary, the meaning of the ruling — and its loss

The abortion rights ruling stood for almost 50 years, with major implications for other bodily autonomy rights. What are the implications of its overturning?

Wisconsin Democrats Seek to Write Marriage Equality Into Law

The state still has constitutional and statutory bans on same-sex marriage, even though they're unenforceable.

Reflecting on 20 Years of Making the Impossible Possible – and the Challenges Ahead

On the anniversary of Massachusetts's ruling on marriage equality, Mary Bonauto, the lead counsel for the same-sex couples involved in the case, writes about how LGBTQ+ history was made and how to keep going.

20 Years Ago Today Massachusetts Made History by Ruling in Favor of Marriage Equality

The ruling from the state's Supreme Judicial Court made Massachusetts the first in the nation with equal marriage rights.

Texas Supreme Court Hears Case of Judge Who Refuses to Marry Same-Sex Couples

The county justice of the peace sued after she was issued a formal reprimand in 2019.

Meet the Texas Judge Who Refuses to Marry Same-Sex Couples

Dianne Hensley says performing such marriages is incompatible with her religious faith, and her lawsuit is heading to the Texas Supreme Court.

Kim Davis Must Pay $100K to One Gay Couple, Doesn't Have to  Pay Another

A jury awarded damages to one couple, but another jury didn't award anything to a different couple.

Kentucky Allowed to Enforce Trans Care Ban, Appeals Court Rules

The Sixth Circuit had ruled similarly in a case out of Tennessee.

Equality Day: Why Is June 26 Momentous for LGBTQ+ Rights

The day has traditionally been a good one for queer rights!