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What It Means to Be Trans

LGBT leadership just went on record in a big way by insisting that ENDA should be trans-inclusive. Maybe now it's important to know what "transgender" really means

Why the Bailey controversy won't die soon

To focus on the overzealous response of some trans activists is to miss the bigger picture -- that transsexuals are fed up with non-trans "experts" claiming to know us better than we do

A Big Year on the Small Screen

While a lot of work remains to be done, the 2006-2007 television season saw some important milestones for transgender people.

Empires that won't fall

A short film was recently pulled from San Francisco's Frameline film festival because it was said to reinforce transphobic stereotypes articulated in Janice Raymond's 1979 book Transsexual Empire. The question is, How has her oversimplified thinking survived?

Transgender terminator?

Some citizens of Largo, Fla., cited religious grounds for the dismissal of Susan Stanton, the transgender city manager. Would Jesus really have terminated her employment? This and other transgender tales from the Bible.

Trans not on board(s)

Most gay and lesbian organizations have become LGBT organizations in recent years. If their missions now include transgender people, why don't their boards?

Transsexual regret

When you know someone who's undergone sex-reassignment surgery, the possibility of regret may feel like the proverbial elephant in the room. But what is the prevalence of regret, and why does regret occur?

Transgender success stories

Varying degrees of "stealth" have allowed many transgender people to be quite successful in spite of the challenges. The 12th and final installment in The Advocate's Transgender 101 series

Corporate dominoes

The remarkable progress in corporate America's embrace and support of its transgender workers shows the U.S. competitive spirit is alive and well--and helping boost the T part of the LGBT rainbow

Please dont call me tranny

Not sure what is "politically correct" when speaking with a transgender person? Here's a primer on what to say. Part 11 in The Advocate's ongoing Transgender 101 series.

Forced Out A Real ID problem for trans people

Changing one's name and gender marker privately can be tricky if you're transgender, and a new law designed to thwart terrorists is about to make it a lot trickier. Part 10 in The Advocate's ongoing Transgender 101 series

Transgender? You're fired!

Or worse--you may be murdered. Transgender people may face discrimination on the job, in housing, or even in trying to pee. Some turn to legal proceedings to establish their rights. Some never get the chance to fight back. Part 9 in The Advocate's ongoing Transgender 101 series

The visible man

Female-to-male transgender people find that supervised testosterone therapy can work wonders, although surgical choices are more complicated. Part 8 in our ongoing Transgender 101 series.

The wonders of the female hormone

For male-to-female transsexuals, estrogen can deliver soft skin, sensuous curves, and a profound sense of harmony--but it's no magic bullet.

The trans catch-22

In order to get "treated" for being transsexual--meaning hormones and, perhaps, surgery--you first have to be diagnosed. But calling trans people sick creates the same stigma gay people faced for decades. Part six in our ongoing series.

Out of one closet and into another

Many transgender people choose to live "stealth"--never admitting to being transgender--because of safety concerns, societal stigma, and prejudice. Part 5 of The Advocate's ongoing transgender series.

There are more of us than you think

The "official count" of the country's transgender population dramatically underestimates its size and composition. Part 4 of The Advocate's ongoing transgender series.

The surgery you never wanted

Born somewhere between male and female, intersex people face unique gender identity issues, especially if "normalizing" surgeries were imposed on them at a young age. Part 3 of The Advocate's ongoing transgender series

Whats in a trans name?

Transsexual? Cross-dresser? Gender-queer? Under the "transgender" umbrella are a range of people who deal with gender identity and gender expression in nontraditional ways. A primer on who's who. Part 2 of The Advocate's ongoing transgender series

Transamerica gets real

In this first installment of The Advocate's exclusive new series, the author talks about how her wife, her gay male friends, and the movie Transamerica inspired her to reach out to you, our readers, to answer all your questions about being transgender, whether you were afraid to ask or not