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A Vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Is a Vote for Hope and Honor

The former executive director for the National Center for Lesbian Rights imagines a world in which this "national nightmare" is over. 

Trump and the Déjà Vu of Our Shameful History

The National Center for Lesbian Rights' Kate Kendell makes a powerful argument for rejecting hysteria.

Why #GivingTuesday Matters

Do your part during this day of philanthropy, says Kate Kendell of the National Center for Lesbian Rights.

When Religion Does Right

The head of the National Center for Lesbian Rights on the changes sweeping through the Mormon and Catholic churches.

Op-ed: We Still Need the Voting Rights Act

The same people trying to stop same-sex couples from marrying are trying to dilute the 50-year-old Voting Rights Act. Both efforts are equally egregious, says Kate Kendell of the National Center for Lesbian Rights.

Op-ed: The Meaning of Leelah Alcorn's Death

A transgender teenager took her life last week after being subjected to transphobic abuse from her family. Her death, however, has reminded many that LGBT youth need our help.

Op-ed: What a Difference Five Years Makes

After last night's White House Pride celebration, the executive director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights reflects on progress made in five years under the Obama administration.