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All the Damage Brett Kavanaugh Could Do to LGBT Rights

Forget the mild-mannered facade, Trump's SCOTUS nominee is dangerous, writes Shannon Minter of the National Center for Lesbian Rights.

Trans Rights Will Not Be Falling Into the Abyss

Shannon Minter of the National Center for Lesbian Rights sees the future and doesn't see only doom and gloom.

Is Marriage Equality Truly Safe?

The president-elect says the issue is "settled," but many of Trump's allies are still clamoring to overturn last year's Supreme Court case. How much should we worry?

North Carolina's War Against Gender-Nonconforming People

LGBT people were targeted and harmed by HB 2, but gender-noncorforming people will feel the full force of its cruelty, writes Shannon Minter of the National Center for Lesbian Rights.

Op-ed: Keep the Momentum Going

The Supreme Court just struck a fatal blow to two virulently anti-LGBT laws. Here's how to get rid of the remaining ones.