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New Catholic Group Joins Fight for LGBT Acceptance

In advance of the World Meeting of Families, a new organization is working to raise awareness about LGBT issues and other matters important to 'social justice Catholics.'

Gay Author and Former Right-Wing Activist on Life as an 'Odd Man Out'

Once a lawyer for the antigay American Family Association, Joe Murray is now an out, married gay man. He shares his story in his book Odd Man Out.

HRC Lauds Mormon Church Support of Utah Antibias Bill

The Mormon Church's supportive position is head-turning, coming just seven years after it famously backed Prop 8.

These LGBT Catholics Landed VIP Seats for the Pope in Rome

Some 50 LGBT Catholic pilgrims traveled to Florence, Assisi, and Rome, where they were given VIP seats for a papal audience. Take a look at photos from their journey.

Christian College With Out Athletes Bans Gay Sex

The college, with two out volleyball players, has adopted a 'statement on human sexuality' proscribing 'sexual relations outside of marriage or between persons of the same sex.'

LGBT Religious Film Fest Aims to Build Bridges

The film festival seeks to foster discussions about sexuality, gender, and religion.

Antigay Group Makes a 'Hate' List/Hit List

The right-wing American Family Association has published a map identifying many LGBT organizations (among others) as being 'deeply intolerant' of Christianity.

LGBT-Inclusive Christian Film Seeks to 'Pass the Light'

Pass the Light tells the story of a Christian teen with a message of love and inclusion -- and its creators fought to keep a positively portrayed gay couple in the script.

Queer Christian Loses Book Deal After Coming Out

Brandan Robertson's book deal was reportedly iced after he refused to sign an antihomosexuality statement.

Pope Francis: Gender Theory Doesn't 'Recognize Order of Creation'

Just one month after the pope held a historic private meeting with a transgender man and his fiancee, a new book includes antitransgender remarks from the pontiff.

'The Francis Effect': A Historic LGBT Pilgrimage to Rome

LGBT Catholics on a pilgrimage to Rome were for the first time given VIP seats near Pope Francis himself for the pontiff's weekly audience in St. Peter's Square.

Faith Leaders Rally for Marriage Equality in Texas

Tuesday,150 LGBT-affirming faith leaders lobbied for equal rights at the Texas capitol.

WATCH: 'Moments Away' for Christianity to Back Marriage?

'I think culture is already there, and the church will continue to be even more irrelevant when it quotes letters from 2,000 years ago as their best defense,' says Rob Bell.

Pope Francis: Reach Out to 'Save the Lost

Pope Francis delivered a homily in which he denounced having a 'narrow and prejudiced mentality,' entreated followers to 'truly accept the marginalized' and spoke of 'restoring everyone to God's family.'

WATCH: Jennifer Knapp's TED Talk on Coming Out and Faith

Knapp blended strumming, singing, and speaking in sharing her thoughts on LGBT issues -- and why she probably won't be writing the next big Pride parade anthem.

Alabama Minister Arrested for Marrying Same-Sex Couple

A nondenominational minister who supports marriage equality faces disorderly conduct charges because she refused to leave a judge's office.

Pro-LGBT Mormon Podcaster Excommunicated

LDS officials say John Dehlin of Mormon Stories is getting the boot because of "apostasy," not his support for marriage equality and women's ordination.

Vermont Catholic Bishop Affirms Trans People; LGB Folks, Not So Much

The new bishop in the Green Mountain State has welcoming words for trans people but less affirming remarks about same-sex relationships.

S.F. Catholic School Handbook to Denounce 'Grave Evil' of Same-Sex Relationships

The Bay Area is known as an LGBT haven -- but four Catholic high schools won't be if the area's archbishop succeeds in adding 'sexual morality' language to the handbooks.

'Evangelicals and Catholics Together' Denounce 'Threat' of Same-Sex Marriage

Some Catholics and evangelical Protestants are putting differences aside to unite against marriage equality, calling it a greater 'threat' than divorce or cohabitation.