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Yaoi: The Art of Japanese Gay Comics

The Advocate's Tiara Chiaramonte breaks down the basics and gives us an introduction to the fascinating world of gay Japanese comics.

WATCH: 5 Times Bill Signings Were Really Exciting Last Year

From Rhode Island to Illinois, governors in 2013 made same-sex marriage legal with their signatures.

Queer Fan Art: 'The Hobbit'

With the Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug opening this weekend, we decided to take a look at some of the fan art from J.R.R. Tolkien's novels.  From the Hobbit to The Silmarillion to The Lord of the Rings, these beloved characters have sparked an extensive fandom and collection of gay art.

Hot Sheet: December 6, 2013

The top 10 entertainment and events highlights this week include Buck Angel, Stevie Nicks, Britney Spears, and the Golden Girls.

WATCH: The Best From 6 Olympic Gay Divers

Tom Daley's coming out may reinvigorate interest in his sport, and so we look back at other out divers.

Queer Fan Art: The Hunger Games

A look at queer fan art inspired by The Hunger Games and other popular fantasy novels adapted to film.

From the Archive: Sting on Kissing Guys

Sting's coming out with a new album? Let's look back fondly at his 1996 interview with The Advocate.

7 of the Best and Worst Renditions of Allen Ginsberg

From John Turturro to Daniel Radcliffe, a handful of actors have played the iconic gay Beat poet. Which one was the best?