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Your Handy Activist To-Do List

Because you don't want to wait idly for a court decision or congressional vote to decide on your rights, we asked five leading LGBT activists for their suggestions on what you can do personally to end your second-class status.

Justice for All

Even before the landmark May 15 ruling to lift the ban on gay marriage, the seven justices of the California supreme court have proved an unpredictable group

An actor who changed gay lives

He didn't win an Academy Award. But Heath Ledger's performance in Brokeback Mountain moved real people to grieve, get honest, come out, and claim their own destinies. Here are a few of their stories.

Companies We Love: 2007

These very different companies bring their enlightened policies and good karma to the corporate. Salud!

Out with the mayors

University of Toronto business professor Richard Florida wrote in his best-selling book The Rise of the Creative Class that a large gay presence helps a city's economic performance. So we asked the mayors of five cities: "Why should young gay professionals move to your city?"

Look, no one's knocking your 9-to-5 gig

After all, we spend the majority of our workweek pushing papers under the flicker of fluorescent lights too. But there's something, well, hopeful about a group of professionals who carve a career from the stuff of dreams--adventure travel, race cars, tropical islands, professional sports. They make work seem fun. So kick back in the cubicle and prepare to meet 10 gays and lesbians working outside the paradigm.

The depression connection

If you're gay, you're more prone to depression than those in the general population, experts say. And if you "party" by taking certain illegal drugs, your risk may jump.

More than a white male disease

In 2006 when the world marked the 25th anniversary of AIDS, it also saw the rise of a new generation of AIDS heroes who are taking the fight to their communities.

Companies that embrace equality

In 2006 a record number of Fortune 500 companies are offering benefits and protections to their LGBT employees. The Advocate highlights 10 additions to its ever-growing list of equality-minded employers.

'We too are immigrants'

Gay Latinos are crossing the border from Mexico in search of a better life and a place where they can be themselves. But when they get here they're not always finding the American dream.

No smoke and mirrors

At the tender age of 22, Jeff Jordan is leading a company that tries to show gay men they can be fabulous and rebellious without cigarettes

The Right tries to steer Ford

The antigay American Family Association nearly changed the course of Ford Motor Co.'s commitment to equality. The feud with the country's number 2 automaker is not finished

Protectors of youth

GLSEN, the leading national group focused on protecting LGBT youths in schools, just turned 10. As its influence grows, so do its growing pains

Sex, lies. and teenagers

Abstinence-only sex education erases the existence of GLBT youth and fills kids' heads with untruths. Some parents have had enough

10 best companies to work for

As more and more firms opt to protect and nurture their GLBT employees, The Advocate adds to it's annual list