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LGBTQ+ History: When NOW Purged Lesbians From Its Feminist Movement

This the history of Betty Friedan, "feminine feminists" and the Lavender Menace.

Op-ed: Doris Lessing, the Patron Saint of Outsider Writing

The literary world mourns the loss of a unique icon.

Coming Out As...Disabled

Why coming out about using a wheelchair is harder than you think.

Op-ed: The Problem With Pennsylvania

The writer can get married in many nearby states, but not her own.

Op-ed: Why Syria Matters for LGBT People

If you still don't know or care about what's going on in Syria, here's why you should.

Why Arizona is a Rogue State

Despite touting a libertarian ethos and gorgeous landscape, the state has become a wasteland for human rights, unsafe for women, LGBTs, and people of color.

Op-ed: No Justice for Chelsea Manning

A review of the trial and sentencing of Chelsea Manning.

Op-ed: How Bradley Manning Changed Fate of Whistleblowers

Soldier Bradley Manning now faces up to 136 years in prison for espionage charges.

Op-ed: The Other Ex-Gay 'Therapy'

South Africa and many other nations around the world have their own version of 'pray the gay away.'

Op-ed: How a Renowned Gay Writer Made the FBI's Most Wanted List

Strong credentials in LGBT academia shrouded Walter Lee Williams's dirty secrets.

Op-ed: WikiLeaks, the NSA, Ellen Sturtz, and the Case For Dissent

Activist movements weren't built on the shoulders of those who were best known for being polite.

Op-ed: Bradley Manning and the Real Trial of the Century

Bradley Manning's trial, which began this week, will have implications for all future whistle-blowers.

Op-ed: Democrats Throw Queers Under the Bus--Again

Senate Democrats showed their true colors when they left LGBT families and individuals out of this week's sweeping immigration reform bill.

Op-ed: How S.F. Pride Has Failed Bradley Manning

Writer Victoria A. Brownworth believes San Francisco Pride's messy grand marshal debacle makes a mockery out of the tradition of pride in general.

Op-ed: Bradley Manning and Queer Collaboration

Rescinding Bradley Manning's invitation to be the grand marshal of San Francisco's big gay celebration is not what pride is all about, says Victoria Brownworth.

Op-ed: After The Bombing, Questions

Finding allies out of monstrous actions.

Op-ed: The Bigotry Isn't Over

Things are better since the Supreme Court ruled against gays in 1986's Bowers v. Hardwick, but nothing is perfect.

Op-ed: Habemus Papam

Will Pope Francis be able to heal his church?

Op-ed: Bradley Manning, A Prisoner of Conscience

What does the Obama Administration have against Bradley Manning?

Op-ed: Seth MacFarlane Isn't The Problem

The host wasn't being a chauvinist on Oscar night. He was calling out Hollywood's long-ingrained chauvinism.