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Strongmen Like Putin Threaten LGBTQ People Across the Globe

Democratic institutions have allowed our movement to advance. We must fight to maintain them, both here and abroad, writes Wayne Besen.

‘Ex-Gay’ Programs Could Stage Comeback in the Age of Trump

In a fact-free environment, the myth of so-called conversion therapy could rise again.

Finish the Job: Ban Conversion Therapy for Minors

We must end "ex-gay" operations in the U.S., so we can then focus on eliminating them overseas, writes Wayne Besen of Truth Wins Out.

Op-ed: Where the Vile Pretend to Be Virtuous

LGBT activist and writer Wayne Besen headed to the ultraconservative Values Voter Summit.

Op-ed: Why the 'Ex-Gay' Industry Is Going Under

There is evidence that the so-called ex-gay industry is becoming less viable by the day, says Wayne Besen of Truth Wins Out.

Op-ed: Hate Could Be Motive in Tragedy That Hit Texas

The founder of Truth Wins Out says when gays and lesbians are victims, police should never be quick to dismiss hate as a motive.