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The Colbert Report

WATCH: Stephen Colbert Asks Biographer, Did Space Travel Make Sally Ride Gay?

The satirical faux pundit put the question to Ride biographer Lynn Sherr.

Op-ed: Stephen Colbert Showed Piers Morgan How It's Done

Janet Mock's appearance on The Colbert Report was refreshing, but the fake news programs on Comedy Central still have some catching up to do.

WATCH: Buddy Cole of 'Kids in the Hall' Probes Russia's Antigay Law

Appearing in character on The Colbert Report, actor Scott Thompson spoke with gay U.S. ambassador Dan Baer about the infamous statute.

WATCH: Stephen Colbert Enraged by Girly Marine Hats

The Colbert Report host mocks conservatives who are panicking over a proposed change to hats warn by the U.S. Marine Corps.