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Maggie Gallagher

Maggie Gallagher is a conservative commentator and former president of the National Organization for Marriage, a nonprofit organization that was created to advocate for the passing of Prop. 8 in California. She also helms the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy. Gallagher, like these organizations, opposes marriage equality as well as other LGBT rights issues, including adoption by same-sex couples and the ability of transgender individuals to access restrooms that correspond with their gender identity. Read more about Maggie Gallagher and other opponents of LGBT equality in the United States and beyond.

Right Wing Assails Aussie Gay Parenting Study; Researcher Responds

The right is trying to poke holes in the study, which showed positive outcomes for kids of same-sex couples, with a special objection to the fact that the lead researcher is a gay parent.

Cheney Feud Over Marriage Equality Staged for Public?

It's not out of the question, says leading equality foe Maggie Gallagher, who also used a recent radio appearance to assert once again that same-sex marriage is 'going to hurt a lot of children.'

NOM's New Attack on Trans Students: Nudity Trumps Sincerity

The antigay National Organization for Marriage focuses on the genitalia of transgender students in California in its latest fundraising pitch.