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dave letterman.

Irish Drag Queen Panti Bliss Makes History on Dancing With the Stars

How the legendary drag performer became an "accidental activist" and continues to break bounderies in queer representation on mainstream TV.

Craig's 'Wide Stance' Excuse Finds Way Into Lexicon

Among the most famous excuses ever given for questionable behavior, ''I have a wide stance'' must fall somewhere between the schoolchild's favorite, ''The dog ate my homework,'' and President Clinton's ''I didn't inhale.'' But Sen. Larry Craig's contention -- made just after his arrest in a restroom sex sting -- has permeated the public consciousness, showing up as more than just the punch line to late-night talk show jokes. The online Urban Dictionary defines ''wide stance'' as a euphemism for a closeted homosexual.

Freddies dead

And if he weren't already, Ace's singing "We Will Rock You" on this week's American Idol would have done the trick