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This gay man had to flee Ghana after a violent attack. He’s finally been granted asylum

"What I really want the world to know is that [queer Ghanaians] have no life, they have no voice,” Mr. B, who was recently granted asylum, told The Advocate.

Watch these brothers step up after their dad refused to attend their sister's queer wedding

After one bride's father refused to attend or take part in her wedding, her brothers decided to fill his role instead.

A lesbian couple was unwelcomed by their wedding venue. Now, they've been gifted one for free

Ali Waggy and Jessica Robinson have been gifted a wedding venue for free after being told the venue they had didn't approve of their relationship.

How Beyoncé's Goodwill Toward Queer Fan Shed Light on Obstacles Faced by Those With Wheelchairs

The superstar’s intervention underscores the more considerable accessibility hurdles faced by individuals with disabilities, igniting a broader conversation about inclusivity in the public sphere.