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joseph benza

Extensive cover-up effort revealed in L.A. County deputy's beating of trans man

After Deputy Joseph Benza III assaulted Emmett Brock during a traffic stop, Benza and colleagues discussed deleting text messages related to the matter. Benza has pleaded guilty to one charge in the case.

L.A. deputy sheriff pleads guilty to viciously assaulting transgender man

Joseph Benza III, 36, admitted to an incident in February 2023 where he followed a transgender man in his car for nearly two miles before brutally attacking him.

Eight California sheriff's deputies sacked for covering up a fellow officer's attack on trans man

Emmet Brock was followed, beaten, and arrested Deputy Sheriff Joseph Benza III.

Trans Man to Sue L.A. County for Traffic Stop Beating Caught on Video

Brock Emmett was initially charged with three felonies in the shocking encounter.

California Trans Man's Violent Arrest Questioned After Video Release

The video calls into question the police's official version of events.

All Charges Dropped Against Trans Man Beaten by Cop in Video

The former schoolteacher said he wants his old job back.