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Louisiana is the only state that's never had an out LGBTQ+ state legislator. Here's why

Queer statehouse candidates in Louisiana say running for office was 'traumatic.'

Idaho Protesters Swarm State Legislature

The people behind Add The Words went to Idaho's state legislature to demand that lawmakers consider adding protections for LGBT citizens to existing antidiscrimination laws.

First Trans Lawmaker Is Elected to Chile’s Legislature

Emilia Schneider, 25, will represent the 10th District of Santiago, the country's capital. 

Colorado on the Road to Civil Unions

With Democratic majorities in the House and Senate, and a supportive governor, Colorado is poised to become the latest state to offer civil unions to same-sex couples, with legislation introduced today.

Illinois Again Considers Marriage Equality

On the legislature's opening day, elected officials are optimistic that marriage equality will come to Illinois this year.

Michigan Legislature Kills Bills That Legalized Discrimination

The 2012 Michigan legislative session ended without full votes on several controversial bills that would have allowed adoption agencies and healthcare professionals to deny services to LGBT couples and individuals on the basis that such service violated the professional's moral or religious convictions.

California to Have 10 Percent LGBTQ+ Membership in Legislature

The Golden State will be the first in the nation with proportional representation.

Trans Woman Declares Victory in Colorado Legislature Race

Brianna Titone pulled ahead of her Republican challenger in the race for Colorado's House District 27.

LGBT Rights Leader Joins North Carolina Legislature

Chris Sgro, who's filling out the term of a state representative who died, says repealing the anti-LGBT House Bill 2 will be a priority.

California Legislature Passes Trans Birth Certificate Bill

Assembly Bill 1121, which would provide transgender Californians with a more streamlined process of changing their names and gender markers on birth certificates, passed by a vote of 56-18.

Partnership and antidiscrimination bills move through Oregon legislature

The Oregon house on Tuesday approved two pro-gay measures--a domestic-partnership bill for same-sex couples and an antidiscrimination bill--which will now go to the Oregon senate for a vote.