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scott wiener

California bill introduced to seal adults' gender transition documents

The legislation would protect transgender people's privacy and prevent harassment at a time when they're being "viciously targeted," says state Sen. Scott Wiener.

Senator Scott Wiener served a sexy leather daddy look at Folsom Street Fair AGAIN

The gays and conservatives are in a total spiral over the out politician's lewk — but for VERY different reasons.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom Signs 9 Pro-LGBTQ+ Bills Into Law

The bills deal with issues such as foster care, name and pronoun recognition, and restroom access.

California Democrats Seek to Factor Support for Gender Identity Into Custody Decisions

The California Senate approved a bill to this effect Wednesday.

California Voters to Decide Fate of State's Prop 8 Same-Sex Marriage Ban in 2024

An amendment would remove language from the state constitution that states “only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.”

Number of LGBTQ+ Elected Officials at Record High — But Many More Needed

LGBTQ+ Americans are still far from equitable representation in public office, says a new report from the Victory Institute.

California Lawmakers Celebrate Drag Nun & Pride Month While GOP Seethes

The state’s legislature is entering Pride Month loud and proud.

How the Stain of Prop. 8 May Be Removed From California

It would repeal the anti-marriage equality language of the infamous Proposition 8.

Easter Sunday Brings Thousands to Drag March in West Hollywood

Instead of looking for colorful Easter eggs, thousands of LGBTQ+ allies displayed their Pride colors and marched in opposition to anti-LGBTQ+ laws.

Proposed Amendment Would Officially End Prop. 8

Despite being overturned, the proposition’s hateful language remains in the California Constitution.