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Transgender Law Center

Prison Operators' Negligence Caused Trans Migrant's Death, Suit Claims

The lawsuit seeks to hold companies that run private detention centers and transport migrants responsible for Roxsana Hernandez's death.

Advocate & Out Magazine Seek Nominations for LGBTQ+ COVID-19 Workers

We're seeking your help finding those who are making an impact -- and those who are feeling it.

Advocates Push for Release of Trans Man Detained By ICE

The Transgender Law Center renewed a push this week to get Chin Tsui released home for the holidays.

Transgender in the South: New Study Shines Light on Oppression

The study details many obstacles to equality, but activists hope it leads to mobilization for action.

Fight Back Against the Assault on Trans Health

Trump and co. are inviting discrimination back into health care. Don't sit back and watch, writes Kiara St. James.

Congressman's Trans Granddaughter Tells Story of Love and Acceptance

Being accepted for who she is "makes me feel great inside," says U.S. Rep. Mike Honda's granddaughter Malisa Phillips.

Wisconsin Trans Student Sues for Equal Bathroom Access

Ashton Whitaker's school is violating federal law by denying him access to the boys' restroom, says the Transgender Law Center.

Why Are Transgender Pilots Given Extra FAA Scrutiny?

A pilot from California says she was forced to undergo an extra psychological evaluation because she is transgender. 

In Wake of Rentboy Arrests, Decriminalize Sex Work?

A statement by LGBT groups calling for such decriminalization was retweeted this afternoon.

Free at Last: Meagan Taylor Speaks

The black trans woman tells The Advocate about facing transphobia daily, her battle ahead, and the unusual part a county jail played in working toward justice.

Meagan Taylor Has Been Freed

After spending two weeks in a segregated medical cell in Iowa, the Illinois trans woman was released from Polk County Jail today.


Trans Woman Released After 6 Months in Immigration Detention

Nicoll Hernandez-Polanco's experiences of sexual assault and solitary confinement are a prime example of how the immigration system mistreats trans women, say advocates.

EEOC: Yes, Army Discriminated Against Trans Woman

Tamara Lusardi, a trans woman called 'it' by Army supervisors and banned from the women's room, has seen justice served.

Detained Trans Immigrant to Be Released

Activists are rejoicing that the transgender asylum-seeker from Mexico, who was reportedly raped and placed in solitary confinement this past year, will be freed -- but say there are many more who need help.

Immigration Advocates Demand Release of Abused Trans Asylum Seeker

Nicoll Hernandez-Polanco says she's faced transphobia and verbal, physical, and sexual abuse from immigration staff and other detainees in her all-male facility, despite posing no 'security threat.'

Landmark Report: Army Discriminated Against Trans Woman

Tamara Lusardi, a trans Department of the Army employee, has found justice after years of misgendering and being barred from using the women's restroom.

Report: Trans Detainee Was Put in Solitary After Assault

The trans immigration detainee reported being sexually assaulted by her roommate, and now activist groups say her move to solitary confinement is a form of punishment for speaking out.

California Is Now the Easiest Place to Amend Your Birth Certificate

Passed last year, California's AB 1121 set up the framework for a more privacy-conscious environment for trans individuals trying to legally change their name and gender.

WATCH: A Trans Dad on Telling His Kids About Gender

Willy Wilkinson says his children see him as a "transformer."

WATCH: The Power of a Mother's Love for Her Trans Daughter

Just in time for Mother's Day, Transgender Law Center released the latest in its 'My Authentic Life' series of videos, highlighting a California mother-daughter team.