Village Voice columnist Michael Musto appeared on
Countdown with Keith Olbermann to discuss the unknown reason Elton John performed Saturday night at the fourth wedding of Rush Limbaugh. Musto said that barring any obvious explanation so far, "Elton's just a whore."
Olbermann mentioned that MSNBC asked Elton's people to confirm the reported $1 million fee for the performance in Palm Beach, and whether the money would go to the Elton John AIDS Foundation. The singer's camp did not respond.
"Elton's actually a pretty good gay and he's done a lot for the causes, but this is kind of gross," said Musto toward the end of the interview. "I was waiting for the transformation where he was going to sprinkle fairy dust on Rush and he would either come out of the closet or be gay positive. That hasn't happened, so Elton's just a whore," he said.
Watch the clip.
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