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Every Kid Deserves a Family or If They’re Really Lucky, Two Dads

Same-sex couples and LGBTQ folks make some of the best parents; that's why we need to ban discrimination in foster care.

Op-ed: Hey Rachel Dolezal, My Black Son Is Entirely 'Plausible'

Out actor Alec Mapa is an Asian man married to a white man with an adopted black son. Mapa has a problem with people -- like Rachel Dolezal -- who have a problem with that.

Op-ed: Alec Mapa Explains Joys of Being an Adoptive Parent

For National Adoption Month, actor-comedian Alec Mapa tells the story of how he and his husband came to adopt their son, Zion.

A Year of Thinking Gay

A flurry of personal appearances and professional obligations causes one man to hit his gay threshold.

I Don't

Why one Californian, delighted with his newfound right to marry, won't dare walk down the aisle again.

Television Dreams

A young gay boy takes refuge in talk shows only to later find himself on the other side of the screen.

My So-called Space

One writer dissects the lure of MySpace and develops a deep love of voyeurism.

In love and war

3,700 men and a boat

The headliners in the main showroom were Charo and Joan Rivers. My stateroom TV played The Way We Were on a loop. I was terrified.

Cheer up, Reverend Ted

Stop referring to your sexuality as something "so repulsive and dark that I've been warring against it all of my adult life." That kind of talk went out with shoulder pads and shock treatments.

Equal in adversity

Braver than I am

I'd like to thank

The Vatican drag

Meeting Judy

Stiff upper lip