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Hate’s New Strategy: Call Trans Kindergartners Sexual Predators

The Alliance Defending Freedom is sinking to new lows, writes Alex Morash of the National LGBTQ Task Force.

The LGBTQ Movement Ignores Rising Income Inequality

Our community is not just affluent white gays in P-town, writes Alex Morash.

The Hate Group Successfully Rolling Back LGBT Rights

Alliance Defending Freedom is hell-bent on erasing queer lives -- and they've won every case they've brought to the Supreme Court.

When Doctors' 'Morality' Leads to Dead LGBT People

Trump is trying to give anyone working in health care a free pass to discriminate against patients. Think they won't? Ever heard of Ben Carson?

Pride Fests Too Corporate, in Danger of Being Left Behind

It's time for our pride festivals to embrace their grassroots past and ditch their big business present, writes activist Alex Morash.