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Federal Prop. 8: LGBT Groups Respond

Last week, political strategist Chad Griffin said a move by three LGBT groups to intervene in his group's efforts to overturn Prop. 8 at the federal level would "undermine" the case. Now the leader of one of those groups says the accusation is "baffling."

A (Federal) Case for Marriage

As an all-star legal team mounts an ambitious federal challenge to California's Proposition 8, the future of national marriage equality weighs heavily on its shoulders.

The Faces of Federal Prop. 8

With the federal challenge to Prop. 8 moving full speed ahead, sits down with the two couples named as plaintiffs in the suit.

The Great Undoing

Could a seemingly obscure Supreme Court ruling from 37 years ago prove the undoing of the effort to overturn California's Prop. 8 and establish a federal right to same-sex marriage?