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Student to Deliver 200000 Signatures to Fight Bully Rating

"Today, with the help of more than 200,000 people who have signed my petition, we sent a loud and clear message to the MPAA that the movie Bully shouldn't be given an R rating," Katie Butler says.

Lady Gaga to Launch Anti Bullying Foundation Today

Led by Gaga and her mother, Cynthia Germanotta, the foundation hopes to combat intolerance while promoting a "braver, kinder world."

Mugabe to Cameron To Hell With You

 Zimbabwe's Mugabe to U.K.'s PM on Gay Rights: 'To Hell With You'

Members of Congress Pose for NOH8 Campaign

The members of Congress who participated represent the District of Columbia, California, Oregon, Colorado, Massachusetts and Ohio, including Rep. Dennis Kucinich, the former Democratic presidential candidate who encouraged the photo campaign's venture to Capitol Hill and was the first to sit for the shoot.