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Why the World Needs a Trans Dating App

Digital dating services for transgender people were scarce. That's why Sean Kennedy created Transdr.

Officer and a Gentleman

He may be a casualty of "don't ask, don't tell," but as a magnetic LGBT activist, Dan Choi's future has never looked brighter.

Gay? Get a Sex Change

A new documentary turns the camera on another source of controversy in Iran: transsexuality.

Battling the Military Ban

In a bracing new account, historian Nathaniel Frank shows how "don't ask, don't tell" has utterly failed.

2008 People of the Year: Bruce Bastian

The WordPerfect cofounder and former Latter-day Saints church member donated $1 million to the No on 8 campaign amid the Mormon Church's swath of destruction.

Renaissance Faire

A new book claims that America's on the verge of a renaissance in culture and business -- and, no surprise, gay people are ahead of the trend.

McCain Slyly Refers to Gays in GOP Acceptance Speech

For anyone still wondering, on the left or the right, where John McCain now stands on two of the most divisive social issues of our time -- abortion and gay rights -- the Arizona senator made his beliefs clear as he accepted the Republican Party's nomination for president Thursday night in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Palin Rips Into Obama at Republican Convention

As vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin said in her hotly anticipated speech Wednesday night at the Republican National Convention, the only difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull is lipstick. And the Log Cabin Republicans who gathered together at a downtown Minneapolis hotel to watch her dig her teeth into Barack Obama were all too pleased by the bloody spectacle.

GOP Pollster: New Prop. 8 Language Bodes Well for Measure’s Defeat

While Sarah Palin and Hurricane Gustav dominated talk on the abbreviated opening day of the 2008 Republican National Convention, a prominent Republican pollster confirmed that the recent change of language describing Proposition 8 was a positive one.

Hillary Shines on Day Two

Hillary Clinton had two objectives with her address to the Democratic National Convention Tuesday night: prove she's committed to electing Barack Obama president, and persuade her primary voters to embrace the Democratic nominee too. She certainly accomplished the former.

The Age of the Silver Fox

Anderson Cooper, George Clooney, Sean Connery. How a little gray hair makes men the object of lust and redefines how one 30-something thinks about growing old.

The Insider Is Out

In 2006 a blog announced to the world that Thomas Roberts is gay, and the then CNN anchor instantly became the poster boy for a very rare breed: the out news anchor. But as Sean Kennedy reports, the success of Roberts and other out anchors and on-air talent may finally shatter their industry's glass ceiling for gays -- and usher in the future of broadcast news.

The Insider Is Out

In 2006, a blog announced to the world that Thomas Roberts is gay, and the then CNN anchor instantly became the poster boy for a very rare breed: the out news anchor. But as Sean Kennedy reports, the success of Roberts and other out anchors and on-air talent may finally shatter their industry's glass ceiling for gays -- and usher in the future of broadcast news

Plugged In

Can General Motors' innovative electric car -- coming to you as early as 2010 -- live up to the hype? Sean Kennedy looks under the hood of the Chevy Volt.

If They Build It, Will They Come?

A slate of new luxe resorts and boutique hotels aims to turn Vegas into the next gay travel indulgence. But can the slot machine mecca really become a high roller's paradise?

A Tipping Point, Year?: Sean Kennedy

In every civil rights battle there comes a time when momentum tips irreversibly in its favor. Was 2007 that year for us? Two opposing views. Sean Kennedy argues, Yes.

Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin on endorsing Clinton

The Wisconsin representative became one of the highest-profile gay people to date to endorse Sen. Hillary Clinton for president, the same day that Episcopal bishop V. Gene Robinson did the same for Clinton's archrival, Sen. Barack Obama. In this exclusive Advocate interview, Baldwin explains why.

The Reverend V. Gene Robinson on endorsing Obama

The Episcopal bishop of New Hampshire became one of the highest-profile gay people to date to endorse Sen. Barack Obama for president, the same day Rep. Tammy Baldwin did the same for Obama's archrival, Sen. Hillary Clinton. In this exclusive Advocate interview, Robinson explains why.

The treachery of youth

The pros and cons of the New Jersey marriage ruling

In a candid interview, legal expert and sexual orientation scholar Ed Stein breaks down the New Jersey supreme court's ruling in favor of equal rights and protections for gay couples. On balance, he finds a lot to like--although, he says, the Defense of Marriage Act prohibiting benefits on a federal level remains "a thorn in our side."