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Egyptian Journalist Sentenced to Hard Labor for Interviewing Gay Man

A court also imposed a fine on the reporter and ordered him placed under surveillance after he serves his sentence.

Belly Dancing in Drag Is This Queer Woman's Form of Protest

Gender-nonconforming dance is just one form of protest for Shrouk El-Attar, who puts her life on the line for LGBT asylum seekers like herself.

The Phobies: Worst Homophobes of 2017

There were many to choose from, but Chechnya's Ramzan Kadyrov gets the title of Phobie of the Year.

Trump Calls for Wall, Muslim Travel Ban in Response to Egyptian Mosque Attack

Twitter questioned the logic of the president plugging his travel restrictions and a wall on the American-Mexican border as Egypt reels from violence.

Protesters Rally in D.C. for LGBT Egyptians

The Egyptian government has cracked down on the LGBT community and these protesters are demanding the Trump administration step in.

Secretary Tillerson: Stand Up for Egypt's Suffering Gays

The government of Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is using LGBT people as scapegoats. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson can help stop his reign of terror.

Egypt to Conduct Anal Exams on Men for Waving Rainbow Flag

Amnesty International says the exams are torture; Egypt says it's part of the investigation.

Egypt to Conduct Anal Exams on Men for Waving Rainbow Flag

Amnesty International says the exams are torture; Egypt says it's part of the investigation.

Egyptian Police Arrest 7 for Raising Rainbow Flag at Concert

The pro-LGBT demonstration occurred at a performance by Mashrou' Leila, which has a gay frontman.

15 LGBT Egyptian Gods

Hieroglyphics recount numeous queer deities who were worshipped in ancient Egypt.

Islamophobia, Homophobia in Omar Sharif Jr.'s Sights

The fight against Islamophobia is part of a quest for the "movable middle" that LGBT people have long sought, argues activist Omar Sharif Jr.

Op-ed: John Kerry Needs to Do the Right Thing in Egypt

Promoting an economic summit in a nation jailing LGBT people is not living up to the self-stated ideals of the State Department.

Being a Gay Man in Egypt Is 'Dangerous and Thrilling'

Egypt's president has put the entire LGBT population on notice that its members are targets. In December dozens of gay men felt the heel of his government's boot during a bathhouse raid.

26 Acquitted in Egypt's 'Gay' Bathhouse Raid

Acquittals are rare in Egypt, and prosecutors have already filed an appeal. Meanwhile, attorneys for the acquitted men are seeking their release.

WATCH: YouTube Videos get Trans Egyptian Arrested in Crackdown

Police take woman away for videos posted years ago, even though they show her dancing fully clothed.

Egyptian 'Gay Wedding' Video Participants Get Reduced Sentences

All eight men involved in a Nile riverboat ceremony have won shorter sentences on appeal.

Swiss Film Fest Fires Egyptian Journalist for Role in Bathhouse Raid

Journalist Mona Iraqi is accused of setting up a raid on a gay bathhouse in Cairo that has 26 men now facing prison sentences.

26 'Gay' Men Arrested at Cairo Bathhouse Caged for Court Appearance

The men who were arrested December 2 appeared in court Sunday, weeping and asking for belief in their innocence.

Scores of Men Arrested at 'Gay' Bathhouse in Egypt

A late-night raid of a Cairo bathhouse included a humiliating march in the nude to police vans outside.