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Get Equal

Get Equal is non-profit organization and advocacy group that advocates for LGBT social and political equality through confrontational but non-violent direct action. Learn more about the group whose mission is to empower the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community to take bold action to demand full legal and social equality, while holding politicians accountable. While some LGBT groups have criticized Get Equal for their tactics, many advocates support their cause. Keep up to date on this pro-LGBT rights group and more.

Op-ed: Senator's Plan for Full LGBT Equality Is Wrong Path

The co-directors of GetEQUAL take umbrage with Jeff Merkley's plan to end LGBT discrimination in housing and employment.

Op-ed: Will Obama's State of the Union Address Include Full Equality?

President Obama has an opportunity to do something bold for LGBT Americans. Will it happen?

WATCH: 10-Year-Old Explains Why Her Dads Need ENDA

The Scarbrough family from Florida gets personal about what employment nondiscrimination protections could mean for them.

Oped Equality for us Means Equality for Everyone

Members of GetEQUAL Texas weigh in on immigration reform.

All Eyes on Uganda

Activists and governments around the world are urging the African country's legislature not to approve a bill that would imprison or execute gay people and their allies.

The Rise of GetEqual

How the activist group GetEqual came to be.

Get Equal Stands Up to Phelps Clan

The LGBT action group took measures to block the antigay protests of the Phelps family.

DADT Protestors to Be Arraigned Today

The six U.S. military veterans arrested after handcuffing themselves to the White House fence in protest of the 'don't ask, don't tell' policy will be arraigned at the D.C. Central Cell Block.