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Jim Daly

Get to know Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family, an international Christian communications ministry outside of Colorado Springs and host of a daily radio broadcast heard by more than 2.9 million listeners a week. Learn all you need to know about Focus on the Family, known for its vitriolic campaigns against gay rights, same-sex marriage, and abortion under its founder James Dobson. Still believing that same-sex relationships are sinful, Jim Daly however has toned down the rhetoric of the right-wing group over the years, yet still preaches the goodness of ex-gay therapy on his radio broadcast. Let us help you understand why this unique man continues to receive awards and accolades from religions organizations, and what it means for LGBT rights.

Paul Ryan Goes Antigay in Focus on the Family Interview

The Wisconsin congressman made that clear in a recent audio interview with Focus on the Family president Jim Daly.

Chick-fil-A President Assures Huckabee: Nothing Has Changed

Cathy spoke Huckabee on Friday to assure him that nothing has changed about his restaurant chain's antigay ways.

Focus on the Family Faced With Layoffs

The antigay ministry Focus on the Family announced it will eliminate 49 more jobs.

Focus on the Family Leader Sees Likely Loss on Marriage

Jim Daly, the president and CEO of Focus on the Family, has announced that he is most likely fighting a losing battle.

Dobson Departs Focus on the Family

Focus on the Family founder James C. Dobson will end his 32-year tenure as the voice of the conservative Christian ministry.