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Kathleen Kane

The latest news about Kathleen Kane, the attortney general of Pennsylvania and an ally of marriage equality. Kathleen Kane is a Democrat and the first woman ever elected to serve as Pennsylvania's attorney general. She announced that she will not defend the state's so-called Defense of Marriage Act in a legal challenge filed by the American Civil Liberties Union in July 2013. A graduate of Temple University Law School, Kane previously worked for the presidential campaign for Hillary Rodham Clinton.

WATCH: Out Lawmaker Introduces Pa. Marriage Equality Act

Meanwhile, a state official said that extending marriage benefits to same-sex couples was like 'giving money to people's pets.'


Pa. Pastor Fired After Officiating Gay Wedding

The Rev. Ken Kline Smeltzer was asked to leave his pastoral post at a Pennsylvania church after he performed a wedding for a gay couple in State College.

Stop the Pa. Gay Weddings, Orders Judge

More than 170 same-sex couples have already received marriage licenses since county official D. Bruce Hanes announced in July that he'd defy state law and marry gay and lesbian couples.

Activists Demand 'Respect' After Pa. Gov. Compares Same-Sex Couples to Children

Pennsylvania's governor said marriages between gay and lesbian couples are legally 'meaningless,' like marriages between 12-year-olds. The statewide equality organization was not pleased.

Penn. AG Won't Defend State's Marriage Ban

Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane said she "cannot ethically defend the constitutionality of Pennsylvania's version of DOMA. I believe it to be wholly unconstitutional."
