In an excerpt from a
taped conversation between Richard Nixon, chief of staff Bob
Haldeman, and chief domestic adviser John Ehrlichman, the
former president discusses his feelings on homosexuality. And,
perhaps surprisingly, Nixon said he doesn't "mind" people
being gay.
"But the point is, I
do not mind the homosexuality," Nixon told his top aides.
"I understand it."
Nixon was discussing
homosexuality in reference to an episode of
All in the Family
that featured a gay story line.
Following that quote,
there is a 14-second beep, during which Nixon was allegedly
discussing former FBI director J. Edgar Hoover and his
"live-in companion." When the tape resumes, Nixon goes on
to say, "But nevertheless, the point that I make is that
goddamn it, I do not think that you glorify on public
television homosexuality."