Barney Frank The March is Pointless

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As gay rights activists prepare to descend on Washington, D.C., for the National Equality March, one of the highest ranking openly gay politicians in the nation took to Michelangelo Signorile's radio show to say the whole thing is pointless.
Barney Frank discussed the march, hate-crimes protections, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and the military's gay ban, but got the most listener response to his rant on the march, saying it won't likely do anything and that President Obama "doesn't need any pressure."
Frank went on to say that gays and lesbians would better spend their time at home lobbying their politicians than making the trek to D.C.
"I literally don't understand how this will do anything," he said. "People are kidding themselves. I don't want people patting themselves on the back for doing something that is useless."
Listen to Frank's full radio interview here.