Study: Transgender Employees Who Are Out Are Happier
Study: Transgender Employees Who Are Out Are Happier

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Study: Transgender Employees Who Are Out Are Happier
Study: Transgender Employees Who Are Out Are Happier
Transgender employees who disclose their gender identity at work tend to be happier, according to one
of the first studies measuring the satisfaction of transgender people in the workplace.
The results show a positive correlation between disclosure at work and job satisfaction, a positive workplace environment, and commitment. Openly transgender employees also feel less anxiety at work and less concern over the costs of potentially leaving a job.
Prior to the study, the researchers hypothesized that transgender men would have an easier time at work after disclosing their identity than transgender women, based on the different stigmas associated with each. Despite these predictions, however, transgender men and women reported similar feelings about their job situation after disclosing their identities. Male transgender participants did report "slightly more favorable" reactions from coworkers upon revealing their transgender status.
"Our results suggest that when transexual employees receive support from their coworkers after disclosing their gender identity, they report being happier at work. This is important because not only does it benefit transexual employees, but it may also influence the culture and morale of all employees in the workplace," wrote one of the researchers.
The study, which interviewed 88 participants who identified as transgender, was a joint research collaboration undertaken by Penn State and Rice universities and was published in the Journal of Vocational Behavior.