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criminal mayhem

L.A. deputy sheriff pleads guilty to viciously assaulting transgender man

Joseph Benza III, 36, admitted to an incident in February 2023 where he followed a transgender man in his car for nearly two miles before brutally attacking him.

WATCH: Charlie Sheen Comes Out as HIV-Positive

The actor said he has been forced to disclose his status because of a number of cases of extortion, amounting to millions of dollars.

WATCH AND VOTE: Who Is The Next Great Queer Comedian?

Comedians have sent us their funniest bits, and now we're ready for your votes.

Don't Feel Guilty for Wanting to Escape Reality

The gay immigrant director of Kiss Me, Kill Me reflects on art in the age of Trump.

What will 2024 bring? Some predictions about an unpredictable year and future

John Casey writes about union power, streaming content cuts, Trump's health, queer hate, and an unbearable noise.

Stormy Daniels on the election, her future & why queer TV like 'For the Love of DILFs' is rebellion

The iconoclast opens up about her fears and hopes in the Trump era and why supporting this series is not only important but an act of solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community.

Bloody But Unbowed, LGBT Orlando Tries to Carry On

Victims and hostages speak out after the deadliest mass shooting in American and LGBT history claimed 49 lives at Pulse nightclub in Orlando.

What Happened to This Gay Artist's Work Says a Lot About India

Balbir Krishan's celestial artwork still shines even after censorship in southern India.