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jonathan gomez-noriega

Former Jersey City aide fired over support for right-wing extremist sister sues Democratic mayor

“Once he decided to partake in a hate-filled campaign, the community in Jersey City no longer wanted to work with him, making him unable to do his work responsibilities,” the mayor’s press secretary told The Advocate.

Anti-LGBTQ+ Republican trounced in Missouri Republican primary. Was it worth her brother’s cushy job?

”I was a nobody and God transformed me into one of the most feared, respected, and loved women in American politics,” she said.

Aide to N.J. mayor loses job over support of anti-LGBTQ+ sister running for Missouri office

“Different beliefs shouldn't divide us,” Jonathan Gomez-Noriega said in a statement.

Meta disables far-right Republican's Instagram after months of antigay, slur-filled posts

“It is unfortunate that it took Meta months, and multiple high-profile posts with anti-LGBTQ slurs and hate, to finally make good on fully enforcing its own hate speech policies for accounts like this,” GLAAD’s Sarah Kate Ellis told The Advocate, responding to Valentina Gomez's account being disabled.