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lgbtq women

A lesbian couple was brutally beaten by group of men in Halifax. Police still haven't filed charges

Two LGBTQ+ women are seeking justice after a group of men violently assaulted them over the weekend.

Two LGBTQ+ women may soon be confirmed as lifetime judges: 'It's crucial right now'

If Judges Nicole Berner and Melissa DuBose are confirmed to the federal bench, President Joe Biden would tie a record of appointing 11 openly LGBTQ+ lifetime judges.

Billie Jean King sends birthday love to 97-year-old 'A League of Their Own' inspiration Maybelle Blair

Maybelle "All the Way Mae" Blair is still slinging as she marks her 97th birthday.

Florida Men Arrested in Brutal Beating of Group of LGBTQ+ Women

Two men have been arrested and charged with battery with prejudice for assaulting a group of LGBTQ+ women in November.

Men Viciously Attack Group of LGBTQ+ Women in Florida

A group of queer women have spoken out after they were attacked on the streets of Miami.