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same sex couples

Gay couple in South Korea receives state benefits, marking huge step towards LGBTQ+ equality

A gay couple in South Korea is the first to be granted spousal benefits from state health insurance.

18% of LGBTQ+ adults are parents — and they're raising over 5 million children

The "traditional" American family isn't so traditional after all.

Most married same-sex couples worried about challenges to marriage equality: study

In the aftermath of recent Supreme Court decisions, same-sex couples are worried about their marriage rights.

Pope Francis: Critics of blessings for same-sex couples are hypocrites

People aren't scandalized by the blessing of an exploitative entrepreneur, but somehow they are by the blessing of a gay person, the pope said in a recent interview.

Pope Francis: Blessings for same-sex couples are for the people, not the unions

The pope issued a clarification of sorts in an address at the Vatican Friday.

Jesus Would Go to Jail for Rejecting Same-Sex Unions, Says Conservative Cardinal

But did he really reject them? Some Catholics and other Christians say definitely not.

Pope Francis Approves Blessings for 'Irregular' Same-Sex Couples

While gay marriage is still considered a sin in the Catholic church, Pope Francis has approved blessings for same-sex couples.

Forever Mine: Why LGBTQ+ Parents Should Consider Adopting Their Own Children

This National Adoption Month, an attorney for Family Equality highlights a different type of adoption: stepparent, second parent, and confirmatory adoption for LGBTQ+ parents.

Reflecting on 20 Years of Making the Impossible Possible – and the Challenges Ahead

On the anniversary of Massachusetts's ruling on marriage equality, Mary Bonauto, the lead counsel for the same-sex couples involved in the case, writes about how LGBTQ+ history was made and how to keep going.

20 Years Ago Today Massachusetts Made History by Ruling in Favor of Marriage Equality

The ruling from the state's Supreme Judicial Court made Massachusetts the first in the nation with equal marriage rights.

Vatican Rules Transgender Catholics and Babies of Same-Sex Couples Can Be Baptized in the Church

Regarding transgender people, the document says a person who identifies as transgender can be baptized like any other adult, “as long as there is no risk of causing scandal or disorientation” to other Catholics.

Hong Kong Is Co-hosting the Gay Games, But Its Conservative Political Elite Isn't Happy About It

Eight city lawmakers on Wednesday backed a petition from conservative groups calling for the games to be scrapped, accusing the event of advocating for LGBTQ rights and spreading “Western ideology.”

MAGA Republicans Continue to Abuse Funding Bills to Push an Anti-LGBTQ+ Agenda

"I’ve seen firsthand how Republicans are using these target marginalized communities for discrimination and exclusion," writes U.S. Rep. Mike Quigley.

Texas Supreme Court Hears Case of Judge Who Refuses to Marry Same-Sex Couples

The county justice of the peace sued after she was issued a formal reprimand in 2019.

Hong Kong Appeals Court Rules Housing Authority Can’t Discriminate Against Some Same-Sex Couples

The ruling came too late for one of the plaintiffs, whose husband continued the battle when he died by suicide before the courts could rule in their favor.

Alliance Defending Freedom’s Legal Journey Against LGBTQ+ Rights & Anti-Discrimination Laws: Report

Supreme Court-backed case of a Colorado web designer, aided by Alliance Defending Freedom, ignited fervent LGBTQ+ rights debate, spotlighting a larger quest to dismantle anti-discrimination laws.

Lesbian Mothers Are Being Removed From Birth Certificates in Italy

“It was as if I did not exist,” one mother revealed.

Oregon Antigay Bakers' Case to Be Reviewed in Light of Supreme Court Ruling

So it begins: The Supreme Court orders a review of the discrimination finding against Aaron and Melissa Klein, who turned away a lesbian couple.

303 Creative SCOTUS Ruling Is Signal to Keep Fighting, Activists Say

The Supreme Court's ruling is narrow in scope but sets the stage for more chipping away at antidiscrimination law.

Elizabeth Warren, Susan Collins Introduce Tax Bill to Help Married Same-Sex Couples

The bill would help couples married before the Supreme Court's decision in U.S. v. Windsor.