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trans movement for liberation

Two trans women attacked at Minneapolis light rail station as crowd cheered

The two women had moved to Minnesota from Iowa after Minnesota became a state of refuge for transgender people.

WATCH: 5 Arrested at Rally to End Trans Immigration Detention

Powerful images from a boisterous demonstration to end the detention of transgender immigrants, organized by Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement under the hashtag #Not1More say it all.

Op-ed: Obama’s Order Ices Out Some LGBTQ Immigrants

The executive order will help many immigrants on the path to citizenship, but it leaves behind others who have experienced violence, discrimination, and isolation, says Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement.

Stepping Out as Allies to Stop Anti-Trans Attacks

For Pride Month, SAGE, the world’s largest advocacy organization for LGBTQ+ elders, donated $75,000 to the three leading national trans organizations to help the trans community fight back

More Than a Heckler: Why I'm Fighting for Liberation

What advancing equality in 2016 means for the trans woman known for interrupting President Obama during a Pride reception last year.

To Be a Trans Woman of Color and Disrupter in the Trump Era

After famously calling out President Obama, Jennicet Gutierrez is preparing for a battle royale with Trump.

Op-ed: Why I (Rudely) Interrupted the President

The woman who interrupted President Obama during a Pride reception says you're missing the point by focusing on her.

Transgender Immigrant Dies in Federal Custody

The death of Roxana Hernandez has transgender activists calling for the release of all trans immigrants in detention.

ICE Demands Family Of Dead Trans Refugee Pay Funeral Costs

Johana Medina died in ICE custody after being denied asylum.

Transgender lives and joy are the center of new ACLU campaign 'Freedom to Be'

Daniel Trujillo is one of several trans people featured who are living their life to the fullest. For many trans people, their joy is their resistance.

Creating Change Reflects a Movement in Transition

Was Creating Change 2016 really more volatile than in years past, or was that frustration simply the result of a movement trying to find its footing after symbolic, but limited, victories? 


Federal Agencies at Fault in Trans Immigrant's Death, Complaint Says

Lawyers for the family of Roxsana Hernandez have filed a complaint holding federal immigration agencies and contractors responsible for her death while in custody.

LGBTQ+ Asian Artists Share Stories of Pride And Strength in Lockdown

Hosted by activist Amazin LeThi, The Advocate's Instagram Live series celebrated Asian artists and entertainers.

Trans Immigrant Who Died in Federal Custody Was Abused, Activists Say

Roxsana Hernandez suffered beatings and untreated dehydration before her death in May, an independent autopsy concludes.

Prison Operators' Negligence Caused Trans Migrant's Death, Suit Claims

The lawsuit seeks to hold companies that run private detention centers and transport migrants responsible for Roxsana Hernandez's death.

LGBT Immigrants Make a Deal with Equality Caucus

Members of several LGBT groups struck a deal with the LGBT Equality Caucus following a seven-hour sit-in demanding that LGBT-specific issues get consideration in immigration reform.


This Year’s Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Who’s Who

The 2015 Trans100 list includes activists, journalists, academics, and sex workers.

Celebrating the Trans 100's Women of Color

"The names of our sisters shouldn't only make headlines when we walk a red carpet or lay in a casket," according to Janet Mock. We couldn't agree more.

Op-ed: LGBT Students Who Need Your Help

LGBT DREAMers are ready to push for change, whether you're ready to join them or not.

LGBT Members of Congress Call for Specific Immigration Reform

After activists staged a seven-hour sit-in at the offices of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus, the lawmakers issued a statement in support of LGBT-specific immigration reform.


Blue and red states were putting period products in schools — then came the transphobia

For years, bills that put tampons and pads in school bathrooms were gaining traction across states. But the rise of anti-trans legislation has made a health issue political.