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transgender children

Over 90% of trans youth live in states pushing anti-trans legislation: report

Ninety-three percent of transgender youth ages 13 to 17 — approximately 280,300 children — live in states that have considered or enacted laws restricting their rights.

America’s Pediatricians Reiterate Support for Gender-Affirming Care

The American Academy of Pediatrics said it continues to support the necessary and evidence-based care young transgender people need.

Georgia's Gender-Affirming Care Ban Stands for Now, Judge Rules

A federal judge is allowing the state more time to prepare its defense.

13 Photos of Queer Joy & Celebration at White House Pride Month Event

There was so much joy on display on the South Lawn where LGBTQ+ people and families were celebrated by the Biden administration.

Trans Adults in Florida Forced to Seek Care Elsewhere Due to Restrictions

Florida’s government claimed it was about protecting children, but access to care is being taken from adults as well, leaving many looking to flee to blue states.

Tennessee Families Sue to Block Ban on Gender-Affirming Care

“The Heath Care Ban violates the constitutional rights of Tennessee adolescents and their parents, and — if it goes into effect — will cause severe and irreparable harm,” the complaint says.