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We Still Prosecute HIV Without Addressing How It's Spread

Michael Johnson's conviction for spreading HIV has been overturned, but the criminal justice system still has not eliminated risk within prisons. 

Yes, You Can Be Sexist Even If You're a Gay Man

"Making out with boys doesn't mean you're immune to being a tool of the patriarchy."

Chelsea Handler Gets Frisky With Lesbian Santa Fortune Feimster

Among Chelsea's Christmas wishes: a gay son for Mike Pence and membership in the Ambien of the Month Club.

Stephen Colbert 'Interviews' Trump on Russian Hacking (and Dressing)

In a mock interview, Colbert gets Donald Trump to open up about all he loves about Russia.

Samantha Bee: Emboldened by Trump, States Get in Women's Wombs

"Oh, what a surprise, they're up someone's skirt," Bee says of the recent rash of anti-abortion laws. 

Amy Schumer Tells Ellen About When She Worked in a Lesbian Bar

Spoiler alert: Amy Schumer did not find a girlfriend. 

Trump Appoints EPA's Top Enemy to Head Agency, and Comedy Writes Itself

We have to laugh at Donald Trump's recently announced appointments now, because we'll likely be crying for four years.

Ellen Asks Macklemore to Perform Anti-Trump Anthem

The singer tears into Trump's rhetoric in his new song "Wednesday Morning."

The First Lesbian Movie With a Happy Ending Turns 30

Desert Hearts captured love out west as few films have since.  

Ellen's Oscar Selfie Named to Time's List of 100 Most Influential Photos

And she just got the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Kathy Griffin Has a Few Demands of President-Elect Donald Trump

Griffin has even outfitted herself with special garb just in case Trump tries to grab anything. 

Tyler Oakley and Tom Daley Guess Abs, Scott Eastwood Explains Instagram Pics

Who is that topless man? Tom Daley knows. 

Seth Meyers: Trump Somehow Made 'Hamilton' Even More Popular

Donald Trump's tweet storm over Mike Pence's treatment at a performance has raised the show's profile even more -- and provided a distraction from certain issues.

Women Try Manspreading and Discover It's Harder Than They Thought

Watch these women try to take up as much space as possible. 

Chilling Video Shows White Power Rally Celebrating Trump

This video lends credence to those who liken certain Trump supporters to neo-Nazis.

Carol Burnett Talks to Chelsea Handler About Lucille's 'Balls'

In the early days it was difficult to be a female showrunner, but Burnett remembers Lucille Ball did it with panache. 

Isn't Everything Basically Appropriation of Gay Culture?

"Dieting is ours. Please stop doing it."

Pope Francis: Priests Can Forgive Abortion

But it's still a sin, according to the Roman Catholic Church's leader. 

The World Has Gone Crazy Because Glenn Beck Is Making Sense

When Glenn Beck and Bernie Sanders are on the same page, things are definitely strange, according to Seth Meyers.