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Op-ed: Stuck on Hillary Clinton's Marriage Evolution?

While some are getting hung up on a interview in which Hillary Clinton was defensive about her changing stance on marriage equality, Joe Solmonese says fixating on it is not constructive.

For Obama Pride: LGBT Americans for Obama

Human Rights Campaign president and Obama campaign national co-chair Joe Solmonese makes the case for LGBT voters to back the president this fall.

Eric Holder and the LGBT Community

With the backing of the civil rights community -- and a stellar record on gay rights -- Eric Holder is immensely qualified for the critical position of Attorney General.

Finding the Silver Lining in Defeat

Three weeks ago, like many LGBT Americans, I woke up with, to say the least, mixed feelings. The euphoria of Barack Obama's election and the expansion of the pro-LGBT majority in Congress was tempered by sadness and anger at our devastating losses in Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, and, of course, California. The silver lining of these defeats has been a renewed focus nationwide on the issue of marriage equality.

Fairness at Ford and beyond

Ford Motor Co. has sent a much larger message that equality is a bedrock principle that should never be compromised

Reaching out to the middle

With a visit to Kansas, the Human Rights Campaign's new president jump-starts the group's cross-country tour into rural and suburban America. The hope is to change hearts and minds about GLBT equality