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Boys Do Cry

This special series focuses on intersectional issues of violence facing transgender men and other transmasculine people. It strives to elevate the voices of transmasculine survivors of violence, whether from self-inflicted harm, state-sanctioned violence in the criminal justice system, or emotional and cultural violence that stems from the silencing effect that can accompany masculinity.

6 Ways to Combat Fatal Violence Against Trans Men

Considering how to frame conversations, engage with media, conduct research, and create safe space are all ways to begin the work of addressing the murders of trans men.

Making Sense Out of the Murders of Trans Men

While data on fatal violence against trans men is sparse, analyzing details about the last four known murders can illuminate where to begin in combating such crimes.

Op-ed: Entering Manhood With Zero Male Role Models

Boys Do Cry: Many LGBT people growing up in dysfunctional homes will relate to this trans man's harrowing tale of abuse and survival.

Op-ed: Yes, Trans Men Experience Real Violence

Boys Do Cry: When we expand violence data beyond hate crimes, it's clear that trans men are targeted at comparable rates to trans women.

When Homeless Trans Men Facing Violence Have Nowhere to Turn

Boys Do Cry: Shelter, foster care, mental health, and legal systems keep letting men like me fall through the cracks.

Op-ed: How to Lessen Violence Against Trans Men

Boys Do Cry: Hatred and fear of transness and femininity undergird most gender-based violence, so protecting trans women will help protect us all.

Breaking the Silence: A Trans Man Who Attempted Suicide

Boys Do Cry: An out trans Army sergeant shares his story of childhood pain so that others do not feel alone.

Op-ed: How To Really Listen to Trans Male Violence Survivors

Boys Do Cry: Trans men not feeling able to talk about experiences of transphobia contributes to a terrifying mental health crisis.

Op-ed: Transmasculine People And Abusive Relationships

Boys Do Cry: One survivor's story helps illuminate the unique pressures that often keep transmasculine people quiet about intimate partner violence.

Op-ed: Learning to Love My Trans Male Body After Years of Violence

Boys Do Cry: So many trans men respond to intolerance with self-hatred and silence. This one learned how to be kind to himself.

Surviving Suicide Attempt, Ky Peterson Won't Stay Silent

The black trans man tells The Advocate how alleged neglect and mistreatment by Georgia prison staff led to him nearly dying while held in isolation.

We Must Talk About Violence Against Trans Men

Boys Do Cry: While we must continue putting violence against trans women in the forefront, trans male survivors also need space to speak out.