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Chris Christie

Chris Christie Probably Wouldn't Sign 'Bathroom Bill'

Asked about a North Carolina–style law, Christie sings a different tune than he once did on the issue.

Ben Carson to Endorse Donald Trump for President

Carson will make the announcement Friday, The Washington Post reports.

New Jersey Papers Demand Chris Christie's Resignation

The governor has neglected the state 'to pursue his own selfish agenda,' says an editorial that ran in six newspapers, also denouncing his support for Donald Trump.

Chris Christie Endorses Donald Trump

The New Jersey Governor said Donald Trump is the GOP's best chance to keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House. 

Chris Christie Is Out of Race for White House

Reports say the governor of New Jersey will announce today he's suspending his campaign for the Republican nomination for president. 

WATCH: What Was Chris Christie Trying to Say About Kim Davis?

It turns out Chris Wallace was right about the New Jersey governor's previous comments. But what was Christie trying to say last night?

GOP DEBATE: Candidates Slam Trump, Dems, Each Other

They also vied for who's most religious and toughest on illegal immigration.

A Tale of Two Christies

Christine Todd Whitman showed what a compassionate Republican governor looks like, while Chris Christie took a different, darker turn.

GOP DEBATE: Cruz, Trump, and Others Clash

It was a contentious evening in South Carolina, and it saw Cruz finally define 'New York values,' which include support for things he opposes, like marriage equality.

Asked About Trans People, Chris Christie Talks Terrorism

The New Jersey governor claims his anti-trans policies have kept life simple for children in his state.

WATCH: Trump Mocked as Gender Bully in SNL Skit

Saturday Night Live comically portrayed Donald Trump as a bully who mocked Jeb Bush and accused him of being assigned female at birth. 

Six GOP Candidates Pledge to Discriminate

The candidates are endorsing the First Amendment Defense Act, which would prohibit the federal government from stopping discrimination by people or businesses.

GOP Debate: Trump Clashes With Bush, Pledges Loyalty

Donald Trump says he won't run outside the party structure, as does Ben Carson, in a foreign policy debate marked by many contentious moments.

Chris Christie (Kind of) Opposes 'Right to Discriminate' Laws

The Republican governor of New Jersey broke ranks with his fellow presidential candidates, saying he does not believe LGBT people should be denied service.

Chris Christie Laughs About Veto of Trans Birth Certificate Bill

A bill making it easier to change gender markers would solve a serious problem for trans people, but the governor thinks it's a laughing matter.

Chris Christie Again Vetoes New Jersey Trans Birth Certificate Bill

Citing concerns about fraud, Christie vetoes a bill that would make it easier for transgender people to amend the gender their birth certificates.

Chris Christie: Only GOP Hopeful to Veto Marriage Equality

The newest Republican presidential aspirant holds the distinction of being the only candidate to veto marriage equality.

Indiana: Chris Christie Has Vague Reaction; Jeb Bush Softens His

What the GOP field for president says about Indiana's discriminatory law gets a little murkier.

Rachel Maddow Accuses New Jersey BridgeGate Report of 'Slut-Shaming'

The taxpayer-funded report, released yesterday, repeatedly references a sexual relationship between New Jersey governor Chris Christie's ex-campaign manager and his former deputy chief of staff.