Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America on
Tuesday released a final version of its voluntary
guidelines for advertising of consumer drugs,
including restricting advertisements for erectile
dysfunction drugs to television time slots and print
publications that have an estimated 80% adult
audience. Eli Lilly, which sells the erectile
dysfunction drug Cialis, says it will limit ads for Cialis
to TV programs not likely to attract children and will
not air them during major sporting events. Pfizer,
which sells Viagra, says it will take similar steps to
ensure its ads reach an adult audience.
Some studies have
shown that gay men are more likely to try, regularly
use, or abuse erectile dysfunction drugs than heterosexual
men. Young gay men have been shown to be significantly
more likely to experiment with the drugs, often
believing they will enhance sexual performance. Erectile
dysfunction drugs like Cialis, Viagra, and Levitra also are
frequently taken by users of club drugs like ecstasy
or crystal methamphetamine to allow the users to
engage in sex--often unprotected sex with multiple
partners, putting them at risk for HIV and other sexually
transmitted diseases.
The new drug
advertisement guidelines seek to eliminate misleading
advertising that can lead to unnecessary prescriptions,
according to PhRMA. A total of 23 pharmaceutical
companies have agreed to follow the new guidelines.
In addition to
restricting erectile dysfunction drug ads, the new
guidelines also call for drug companies to educate doctors
about their products before advertising them to the
public; allow the Food and Drug Administration to
screen all television ads; include clear language on
safety risks and side effects; make claims in ads about drug
benefits only when they are supported by clear medical
evidence; and regularly update ad campaigns with newly
emerging information on drug risks and benefits.
The guidelines
officially take effect on January 1, but most of the 23
drug companies agreeing to follow the recommendations plan
to begin adhering to them immediately, according to
PhRMA officials.
Critics of
pharmaceutical ads say the new guidelines do not go far
enough in limiting direct-to-consumer marketing by
major drug companies. Senators Bill Frist (R-Tenn.),
the Senate majority leader, and Charles Grassley
(R-Iowa), chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, say they
had hoped the guidelines would call for drug companies
to wait at least two years before advertising new
products to consumers. Grassley also told The Boston Globe that the guidelines "do not
deliver a single guarantee for consumers. It
doesn't make sense to rely on drug companies to
police themselves."