Evangelist Jerry
Falwell on Monday lost a Supreme Court appeal of a case
that sought to shut down a Web site with a similar name but
views on gays opposite to his. Falwell claims that a
gay New York City man improperly draws people to a
site by using a common misspelling of the reverend's
name as the site's domain name.
A federal judge sided with Falwell, who runs a
Virginia-based ministry, on grounds that Christopher
Lamparello's domain name was nearly identical to the
trademark bearing Falwell's name and could confuse Internet surfers.
But last year, the fourth U.S. circuit court of
appeals disagreed and said that Lamparello was free to
operate his "gripe site" about Falwell's views on gays
at www.fallwell.com.
Lamparello "clearly created his Web site intending
only to provide a forum to criticize ideas, not to
steal customers," the court said.
The Jerry Falwell Ministries site is
www.falwell.com. It's more high-tech, with pictures of
the minister and sales material for books and videos.
Lamparello's site is mainly in black-and-white,
with no photographs or items for sale. He says Falwell
is wrong in preaching that gay people are sinners who
can change. At the top of the site a disclaimer reads:
"This Web site is NOT affiliated with Rev. Dr. Jerry Falwell
or his ministry."
Falwell's attorneys have fought over domain
names in the past. Three years ago an Illinois man
surrendered the domain names jerryfalwell.com and
jerryfallwell.com after Falwell threatened to sue for
trademark infringement. (AP)